New Beginnings Ahead

New Beginnings Ahead

 by: Leslie D. Register What do we know about Change and New Beginnings? They are both planned and unexpected. They sometimes bring us joy or heartache. They can be painful, frustrating, even fearful. They can be joyous, fun, and strengthening.  We could list many...
Scars Are Our Compass

Scars Are Our Compass

by: Leslie D. Register The scar is my compass for living the life I am called to live.  Do you have a scar that has a vivid memory? have you altered choices from the reminder of how that scar came to be? Did new beginnings happen because of that scar? Falls, wounds,...
Really, Do I have To?

Really, Do I have To?

Really, DO I Have To? by: Leslie D. Register I Have To go to work today. I Have To make cupcakes for the class bake sale. I Have To get my oil changed. I Have To wait at the DMV for a license renewal. I HAVE TO…. Really, do we have to? Showing up for daily life...
Stop the “Should” Talk

Stop the “Should” Talk

By: Leslie D. Register Stop the “Should” Talk Do these phrases sound familiar? I should have had a salad for lunch I should have gone to the gym after work I should have prayed with my children before bed I should have waited to send that email to my coworker...
Better Together

Better Together

by: Leslie D. Register Before I found the wellness tools I use today, I isolated myself from everything I enjoyed. I found security in doing things alone, sitting alone or avoiding any social interactions primarily to hide my secrets. The use of food, spending money...