by: Leslie D. Register

The scar is my compass for living the life I am called to live. 

Do you have a scar that has a vivid memory? have you altered choices from the reminder of how that scar came to be? Did new beginnings happen because of that scar?

Falls, wounds, and scars all matter! My greatest scar is the vivid reminders tucked inside my soul and living in the far shadows of my memory of what addiction took from me and the pain it caused. I need those scars to keep me focused on the path I want to live and have been called to follow. 

I was recently asked if that chapter of my life was closed? I immediately thought of a statement I heard from a woman who was grieving the loss of her husband. She said, “we do not get over them we take them with us into our new experiences”. This applies to anything we have held sacred and then lost. We do not forget it and erase it; we carry it into a new season. I carry my past addictions into my new beginnings of life. I let them embrace the joy and receive the rewards of how I live life today. Together, my scar and I are no longer held captive to the negative beliefs that those harmful choices and substances are needed.

My friends, if you have a wound that you are not giving the care it needs to heal to become your guiding compass, you risk staying lost. Freedom is available for you if you choose to lean in, care for the wound and let it scar. It is then that you will explore new beginnings! The new beginnings are possible because you have the scar that will help guide your path forward. Do not underestimate the power of the fall and the purpose of the scar. 

What are ways to heal the wound? Pray! Let your faith fill your soul and give you the wisdom you need to help with your healing. Talk! We are only as sick as our secrets. Find a trusted friend, therapist, family member, and let it all out. Write! Words on paper reveal solutions. Service! Giving back helps others and ourselves. These are just a few of the actions I took then and still use today when I have a wound surface that needs healing.  Go, heal the wound, leave the scar and step into new beginnings.